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Biking & walking

A large group of commuters crossing a crosswalk with a person riding a bike in the bike lane traveling the opposite direction.

Free your mind and your wallet!

Choosing to bike or walk to work — or anywhere you need to go — not only benefits your health and the environment, but it also saves you money. So why wait? Start a bike or walk journey today and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, eco-friendly and free way to get around. Find the best routes for your commute on MyWaytoGo.org.

Walking tips

  • Plan your route: Use online maps or apps to find the most direct and safe walking routes.
  • Stay visible: Wear bright or reflective clothing, especially when walking at night.
  • Be alert: Pay attention to your surroundings and use crosswalks when crossing streets.
  • Stay hydrated: Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated during longer walks.

Biking tips

Try participating in Bike to Work Day: New to bike commuting? Bike to Work Day is always the fourth Wednesday in June in Colorado. It’s a great and supportive way to try bike commuting for the first time.

Bike-n-Ride: If your commute is too far to bike the whole way, bring your bike on any train or bus to complete your trip.

Keep it secure: Bring a lock and secure your bike to a bike rack.

Know the rules: Know the road rules for bicycles in your area before you go. In Colorado, bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists.

Get more tips: Check out tips for biking in the city in this video from grist.org.