The Board’s work is informed by its committees, which involve many individuals, groups and organizations in DRCOG’s decision-making process. Descriptions of all committees of the Board follow.
Interested in one of DRCOG's committees or working groups?
Advisory Committee on Aging
The Advisory Committee on Aging focuses on issues that pertain to the region's rapidly growing aging population. The committee meets at 11 a.m. on the fourth Friday of each month.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is made up of the current Board officers and the executive director. The group is the primary executive leadership of DRCOG, providing leadership to the Board and guidance to the executive director. The Executive Committee has no policy-making authority.
Finance and Budget Committee
The administrative business of DRCOG concerning finances, contracts and related matters is managed by the Finance and Budget Committee. The incumbent treasurer serves as chair of the committee. The Finance and Budget Committee meets the third Wednesday of each month, prior to the meeting of the full Board of Directors.
Performance and Engagement Committee
The administrative business of DRCOG concerning the performance and evaluation of the executive director, the onboarding of new Board members and related matters is managed by the Performance and Engagement Committee. The incumbent secretary serves as chair of the committee.
Regional Transportation Committee
The Regional Transportation Committee administers the region's transportation planning process. DRCOG is the metropolitan planning organization and is responsible for the lead role in transportation planning in the Denver region. The Regional Transportation Committee brings together representatives of the region's transportation planning partners.
Transportation Advisory Committee
The Transportation Advisory Committee's role is to assist the Board of Directors and the Regional Transportation Committee by reviewing the work of the transportation planning process, advising on methods of planning and implementation, working with the metropolitan planning organization staff to develop policy options, and making recommendations to the Regional Transportation Committee.