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Accessibility policy

Hands holding a scanning and reading machine that is being used to read a book.

At the Denver Regional Council of Governments, staff are continuously working to ensure that the council's digital platforms, services and resources are accessible to all individuals. Staff remediate digital resources to the extent reasonably possible.


Web accessibility

Staff are committed to making drcog.org accessible to individuals with disabilities, including those who rely on assistive technologies to access the web. Per State of Colorado requirements, the Denver Regional Council of Governments is engaged in ongoing efforts to ensure that drcog.org adheres to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines AA 2.1, at a minimum.


Feedback and support


Please provide specific details about the accessibility issue you encountered, including the web address (uniform resource locator, or URL for short) of the page in question. Staff will contact you regarding the information you need.


Ongoing accessibility efforts

Staff regularly review and update drcog.org to ensure compliance with evolving accessibility standards. Staff receive training on accessibility best practices, fostering a culture of inclusivity and understanding.


This accessibility statement was last updated on September 6, 2023.


Accessibility plan