At DRCOG, staff believe in using data to inform decisions. When it comes to older adults, the decisions the region's cities, counties and towns make now will have long-lasting effects, so DRCOG invests in the best data available to make them.
Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults
Every four years, DRCOG staff contracts with a research firm to conduct the Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults, known as CASOA for short, at the county and regional levels and determine the region's priorities in creating the Area Plan on Aging.
2022 reports
In 2022, a consultant prepared county-level survey reports for the region, its counties covered by the Area Agency on Aging and select cities:
- Regional report.
- Adams County report.
- Arapahoe County report.
- City of Aurora report.
- City and County of Broomfield report.
- Clear Creek County report.
- Commerce City report.
- City and County of Denver report.
- Douglas County report.
- Gilpin County report.
- City of Golden report.
- Jefferson County report.
2018 reports
In 2018, a consultant prepared the full survey reports for the general population, subgroups and county-level survey reports.
- Adams County report.
- Arapahoe County report.
- City of Aurora report.
- City and County of Broomfield report.
- Clear Creek County report.
- City and County of Denver report.
- Douglas County report.
- Gilpin County report.
- Jefferson County report.
Nursing homes and assisted living facilities
Denver Regional Council of Governments data analysts prepared an interactive map of the nursing home and assisted living facilities within the eight-county region for which the Area Agency on Aging provides Ombudsman services