DRCOG is committed to meaningful public engagement. Members of the public are encouraged to participate in the discussion and decision-making processes of the region's work. There are a range of opportunities for you to participate in DRCOG’s plans and programs and ways for you to obtain information. This page summarizes current resources and ways to stay informed and get involved in what DRCOG does to support the Denver region.
Stay informed
Attend a meeting: Interested community members are encouraged to attend public meetings at DRCOG. All meetings are listed on the meetings and events page.
- Public notices: If you'd like to receive email notifications of all upcoming public hearings, please contact mstevens@drcog.org.
- Board of Directors: The DRCOG Board of Directors meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month. In addition to its monthly meeting, a Board work session is held at 4 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month. During an open public comment period at the meeting or for a public hearing item on the agenda, come share your thoughts or provide any general comments. Attending a Board meeting or work session is a great way to learn about important regional issues and DRCOG’s work to address them. Videos of all Board meetings and work sessions are also available on YouTube.
- Committees: The Board of Directors is informed by the Board's committees, which involve many individuals, groups and organizations in DRCOG’s decision-making process. Meetings of the Advisory Committee on Aging, Regional Transportation Committee and Transportation Advisory Committee always include time for public comments.
- Request a group meeting or presentation: Interested in learning more about DRCOG’s work in the Denver region? DRCOG staff are available as schedules and resources permit to speak to community groups about topics such as regional planning, transportation, or the many services available through the Area Agency on Aging. Send staff a note at drcog@drcog.org to request a speaker.
Social media
Keep up to date with DRCOG’s work by following the organization’s social media accounts:
Major plans and programs
The following regional plans and programs are the primary focus of DRCOG’s policy work, with Metro Vision serving as the policy framework for most decisions. Future updates of these plans will involve a number of opportunities for public input. In addition to the plans described below, DRCOG has several other important adopted plans and initiatives that guide our region, with additional new and innovative plans continually under development:
Public engagement plan
DRCOG's public engagement plan was adopted by the DRCOG Board of Directors in May 2019 and amended in August 2021. The plan is a guide for DRCOG staff to plan and implement meaningful and effective engagement. Read the plan:
Learn more about DRCOG's efforts:
Stay in touch
DRCOG staff want to hear from you! Share your thoughts or ideas on any of DRCOG’s projects by:
- Mail: Send written comments to DRCOG, 1001 17th St., Suite 700, Denver, Colorado 80202.
- Email: Send an email to drcog@drcog.org.
- Attending a meeting: Come to any public meeting — all events are posted on meetings and events page.