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Participant FAQs

Each year, the Denver Regional of Council of Governments’ Way to Go program organizes the Bike to Work Day event with help from member governments and organizational partners in the metro region. However, Bike to Work Day represents a grassroots effort by people in the region who care about educating residents and businesses on the benefits of using two wheels to get to work.

  • It’s fun (!)
  • It helps you improve your health and stay fit.
  • It’s a simple way to reduce your carbon footprint.
  • It saves you money.
  • It reduces road congestion and keeps you out of frustrating traffic.
  • It lets you kick off your workday feeling energized, de-stressed and refreshed.

Need more reasons to get started? Check out this complete list.

Registering for Bike to Work Day helps us show the impact of taking 30,000 or more cars off the road in a day by highlighting residents' desire to commute by bike, which supports the efforts to improve biking infrastructure.)

Absolutely! We understand the date won’t work for everyone’s schedules. While we’re sad you’ll miss out on the festivities, participants can bike any day.

The primary goal of Bike to Work Day is to promote bicycle commuting, even if it’s for one leg of the commute (e.g. bus to bike), but the Way to Go program offers lots of other opportunities for you to get involved in sustainable commuting.

It is helpful to seek out stations by following your existing work commute on the map. To do this, you can zoom in and drag the face of the map around to follow roads and infrastructure. The more that you zoom in, the more detail that you can find including street signs, trail labels, business names and other landmarks.  

The map is a resource for route planning but is not a substitute for live navigation. Google Maps is helpful to utilize when the biking layer is added on. Bike Streets offers safe navigation support to Apple users, primarily within Denver and for a fee.  

Feel free to reference these additional route-planning resources: 

Yes! Check for stations near your home and plan a pre-work ride. Many stations offer breakfast and fun giveaways that you won’t want to miss. 

Station host FAQs

Yes! Be sure to remember your login credentials to make station edits. When you are in your account, you can select the station that you’d like to adjust, edit the content and then resubmit.  

Station adjustments will not be monitored on the day of Winter Bike to Work Day, so please plan to have all adjustments submitted by 4 pm on February 13 to ensure that your station is published correctly. 

Stations must be approved by a Way to Go team member before they are published live to the site. Please wait 72 hours before submitting an inquiry about your station. The team will review stations in the order they are submitted!  

Winter in Colorado is full of surprises! To help you prepare, please plan to check the expected weather forecasts prior to event day and update your station with any revisions.  

Additionally, not all stations need to be outside and along trails. Hosting a warming station indoors offers a great break from the elements for cyclists. Use your business lobby or storefront instead of setting up in the cold!  

As a station organizer, you have many options for what to include at your station. Stations are the visible “face” of Bike to Work Day and show support for bike transportation. 

Water, coffee, cider, hot chocolate and tea are all helpful to hydrate and warm cyclists. Grab and go breakfast items are popular, and a warm breakfast is appreciated in the winter when possible.  

Winter Bike to Work Day is a great opportunity to share branded swag and promotional materials for your business. Consider what cyclists might want to know about your organization and be sure to share! Creativity is encouraged to promote a fun, fair-like atmosphere. 

For outdoor stations, tents or canopies are beneficial to make a visual impact and help riders spot your station. Bike parking can encourage cyclists to interact more with your station.  

Bicycle technicians can be helpful for participants who experience breakdowns or mechanical failures during their ride in. Talk to a local bike shop to see if they will partner for your station and be sure to advertise the mechanical support!  

You might need a permit, depending on the location of your station. If you are looking at trailside or public park space, contact your local parks and recreation department to inquire about permitting. If you need support with this task, please email btwd@drcog.org. 

Plan to set up your station in a location that is convenient for cyclists to access! This may be along a trail, at a public park or in your organization’s building.  

Way to Go has wayfinding signs, event posters and Bike to Work Day banners available for you, upon request. Email btwd@drcog.org to schedule a supply pickup or drop off.  

Be sure to account for power considerations if your station needs electricity. Outdoor stations might want to have warmers for staff and cyclists.  

By pre-promoting your station to your local audience, you are more likely to have a positive turnout on event day. Tell your employees, customers and partners by sending them marketing materials and asking them to save the date. Include the event in your social media and email newsletters.