Growth and development
DRCOG has served as the Regional Planning Commission for the Denver region since its founding in 1955 as the Inter-County Regional Planning Commission. With DRCOG as a forum, leaders from the towns, cities and counties of the region have been advancing a shared aspirational vision of the future of the metro area to ensure it can remain a great place to live, work and play.
That vision has taken various forms over the years—most recently as a regional plan known as Metro Vision. These plans fulfill DRCOG’s duty as a regional planning commission to make and adopt a regional plan for the physical development of the region’s territory. Regional planning does not replace the vision or plan of any individual community; rather, it promotes regional cooperation on issues that extend beyond jurisdictional boundaries.
Metro Vision
Through Metro Vision, cities, towns and counties throughout the region work to preserve what’s great about the region's past, protect what residents love about the region today, and come together to create a better future.

Urban Centers
Explore how urban centers encourage people of all ages and incomes to access a diverse housing stock and multimodes of transportation.

Regional Housing Needs Assessment
The Denver region is facing a surge in housing costs due to limited availability, DRCOG staff is conducting a comprehensive housing needs assessment to identify collaborative solutions.