Metro Vision: Our place, our plan.
Through Metro Vision, cities and counties throughout the region work to remember what’s great about the past, protect what residents love about Denver today and come together to create a better future.
Metro Vision protects and enhances the region’s quality of life, is aspirational, long-range and regional in focus, offers ideas for local implementation, respects local plans, encourages communities to work together, and is dynamic and flexible.

Metro Vision is the region’s plan for continued success. The most basic purpose of the regional plan is to safeguard for coming generations the region’s many desirable qualities. Metro Vision calls on all the region's residents to become active participants in planning for present and future needs within five main themes:
Get involved
Read the full plan document:
Visit DRCOG's public engagement site for opportunities to advance Metro Vision in your community.

Civic Academy
A no-cost, seven-week program helps residents learn about transportation, economic vitality, housing and civic engagement.

Idea Exchanges
Through Idea Exchanges, regional and transportation planners, local government staff and partners identify emerging and ongoing challenges and local and regional successes.