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From above on a wintry night, downtown Golden's buildings are illuminated in the glow of holiday lights.


Who is DRCOG?

The Denver Regional Council of Governments is a planning organization where local governments collaborate to establish guidelines, set policy and allocate funding in the areas of transportation, personal mobility, growth and development, and aging and disability resources. 

A black-and-white photo of 16th Street during the 1890s shows the old Arapahoe County courthouse and Kittredge Building.

DRCOG's history

In 1955, the region was in the midst of a post-World War II growth spurt. Denver Mayor Quigg Newton invited elected officials from Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder and Jefferson counties to talk about joint issues and concerns. They decided working together to enhance the region’s quality of life was better than going it alone, and created DRCOG. Since then, DRCOG has helped develop Interstate 70, Denver International Airport, I-25, the Regional Transportation District, the Colorado Convention Center and Union Station.

DRCOG's vision

Our region is a diverse network of vibrant, connected, lifelong communities with a broad spectrum of housing, transportation and employment, complemented by world-class natural and built environments.

Get involved


A diverse group of young and middle-aged professionals gather on the balcony of the Colroado State University Spur Campus at the National Western Center, overlooking the South Platte River and downtown.

Civic Academy

A no-cost, seven-week program that helps residents learn about transportation, economic vitality, housing and civic engagement.

Three people sit around a table in a crowded conference room discussing growth and development topics affecting the Denver region.

Idea exchanges

Through idea exchanges, regional and transportation planners, local government staff and partners identify emerging and ongoing challenges and local and regional successes.

Stay connected


Stay up-to-date on the latest news and announcements from DRCOG.


Discover events, meetings, agendas, materials and meeting recordings.

Stay informed

DRCOG staff invite residents to participate in discussions and decision-making for the region.


Get involved


Celebrate winners of the Metro Vision, Distinguished Service, John V. Christensen and Way to Go awards Wednesday, August 27, at Seawell Ballroom at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. The next round of winner nominations will open in late winter 2025.


Awards celebration

Senior management team

Discover who leads DRCOG's various programs and progress toward the region's Metro Vision goals.


Learn about the leadership team