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Regional Housing Needs Assessment

Mountains in the background of a housing development that is under construction.

Update as of January 2025: DRCOG’s Board of Directors accepted the Regional Housing Needs Assessment as a guide for future housing planning, strategy and action in October 2024.  DRCOG staff in December 2024 submitted its Regional Housing Needs Assessment to the Colorado Department of Local Affairs for conformity review per the Sustainable Affordable Housing Assistance Act (Colorado Senate Bill 24-174). Please stay tuned for updates in the coming months with details on local jurisdiction requirements for using DRCOG’s Regional Needs Assessment in place of a Local Needs Assessment. Please contact Regional Planning and Development director Sheila Lynch with any questions.


Housing in the Denver region isn’t just about shelter — it’s about opportunity, equity, and community. As housing affordability challenges affect quality of life in the region, the housing landscape must evolve to meet the needs of residents. 

In response to the region’s pressing housing challenges, the DRCOG Board of Directors initiated the development of a Regional Housing Needs Assessment.  The assessment included two important steps. The first analyzed regional data to identify gaps in housing supply and affordability across income levels and household types. The second step involved extensive engagement with stakeholders across various housing sectors to identify systemic barriers to developing sufficient housing that meets the needs of people of all ages, incomes, and abilities.

Stakeholder engagement 

Throughout development of the assessment, DRCOG collaborated closely with local government officials, housing developers, community organizations, advocates, finance professionals, and economists. Through an advisory group, interviews, discussions, and focus groups, stakeholders shed light on challenges ranging from land use regulations to funding constraints and political dynamics.   

Thank you to all participants who shared their diverse perspectives. Participant input was instrumental in understanding the complexities of the region's housing landscape and influencing future housing solutions.  

Moving forward 

Staff presented the Regional Housing Needs Assessment report to the DRCOG Board of Directors on July 17, 2024.  The report is an important milestone in the journey to bring new information and understanding of housing need to local governments across the region. DRCOG staff will continue to seek opportunities to share the report's findings with stakeholders. 

DRCOG staff plan to bring new understanding of housing needs forward into the development of a regional housing strategy to be launched in 2025.  Collaboration and innovation will be key in navigating the challenges of housing development and working toward a stronger, more inclusive Denver region. 

Regional Housing Needs Assessment Dashboard

Funding note 

Preparation of this report has been financed in part through federal grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration and the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. This diverse funding approach underscores the collaborative effort required to address the region’ housing challenges.