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Regional Housing Needs Assessment

Mountains in the background of a housing development that is under construction.

Regional housing needs assessment

Over the past decade, the Denver region has faced a surge in housing costs, prompting regional governments to grapple with the challenge of addressing limited availability and soaring prices.

DRCOG staff are currently conducting a comprehensive housing needs assessment to gauge the extent of the crisis and identify collaborative solutions. The assessment encompasses data analysis to understand housing needs and system barriers, engaging local governments through focus groups.

Supported by a $125,000 grant from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, DRCOG staff aims to deliver preliminary findings by mid-January 2024 and a complete assessment by June 2024, leveraging funds from the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for coordinated housing and transportation planning.

In March, staff and consultants from ECONorthwest and MIG, sought input from professionals in infrastructure, housing advocacy, development, service provision, housing finance and economic systems research.