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Board Work Session

May 4 2022, 4pm

United States

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Board of Directors

The May 4, 2022 Board work session will be hosted virtually. The meeting is open to the public and participants may join by phone or computer. Join by computer to view the presentation.

To join the meeting by computer, click the link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81859684233

To dial into the meeting by phone, call 346-248-7799, then enter the meeting ID 81859684233#

Learn more about how to join the virtual meeting.

Attendees may submit public comment during the public comment portion of the meeting. Join by phone or computer as described. All participants' microphones will be unmuted during the public comment period. Contact Melinda at mstevens@drcog.org(link sends e-mail) if you have questions about providing public comment prior to the Board meeting.