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U.S. Department of Transportation names DRCOG “Allies in Action” for strategy to end roadway fatalities

People walking down a sidewalk next to a bus on a city street.

The U.S. Department of Transportation recently named DRCOG one of its “Allies in Action” for the organization’s commitment to embracing the National Roadway Safety Strategy vision of eliminating roadway fatalities.  

The Denver Regional Council of Governments adopted a strategic update to its Regional Vision Zero program and the Crash Data Consortium. The strategic update will leverage future planning initiatives such as the Regional Transportation Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program. The update included emphasis on the Safe System Approach and alignment with the Federal Highway Administration’s Proven Safety Countermeasures. It includes measurable goals and timelines and lists stakeholders responsible for leading and supporting implementation.

DRCOG will continue to host bi-monthly meetings of the Regional Vision Zero Working Group to provide a space for stakeholders to coordinate and learn about safety initiatives and opportunities for regional collaboration on safety. DRCOG will continue exploring funding opportunities to improve safety outcomes in the region including pursuing additional Safe Streets and Roads for All planning, demonstration and implementation grants and participating in safety studies and plans conducted by DRCOG member governments. Finally, DRCOG published the Regional Crash Data Consortium Final Report in September 2024 which includes recommendations, strategies, and next steps to improve crash data collection, processing, and analysis in the Denver region. DRCOG staff will work with consortium stakeholders to prioritize and implement strategies supporting the final report’s recommendations.


Media Contact

Charmaine Robledo
Public relations and social media communications specialist