Trip planning tools
Reduce your stress levels by leaving the driving to someone else, or use Way to Go's resources to find up-to-date traffic, construction and road closure information to make your ride a lot smoother.
MyWaytoGo: Way to Go's trip planning tool gives you the ability to find carpool partners, vanpool routes, the best routes for biking, walking trails and transit trips. Set up "favorite trips" for places you go regularly, like work or school. Track your trips to see how much money you save and your impact on the environment!
Regional Transportation District Trip Planner: View schedules and plan your trip using Regional Transportation District's transit services.
COtrip: Get travel information about current road conditions on Colorado’s interstates and highways and weather information.
High occupant vehicle lanes: Learn more about the high occupant vehicle lanes and Express Toll lanes in the Denver area — including a map and rules and restrictions.
Go170: The I-70 Coalition is excited to offer GoI70.com, the resource to help you plan a delay-free trip, and learn other ways you can be a part of the I-70 solution. Do you want to know the best resources to get real-time road and traffic information? Want to know the best times to travel I-70, find an extra rider to share expenses, get information on a ski bus, or a good deal on dinner or an overnight stay? Explore GoI70.
Bustang: Colorado Department of Transportation's Bustang travels along the I-25 corridor from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs, and along I-70 from Denver to Grand Junction. With seasonal routes for skiing, Broncos games and Estes Park be sure to hop aboard and enjoy the relaxing ride.
Regional programs
Geographic Target Area | Modes | Details | Dates Active | Contact |
Boulder City Limits | Vanpool | Current and new Way to Go Vanpool riders, who live or work in Boulder, are eligible to receive $200 per Vanpool from the City of Boulder. | Ongoing | Boulder Chamber Transportation Connections info@bouldertc.org |
Boulder City Limits | Transit | Boulder companies with 11 or more employees can receive 50% reimbursement for new Regional Transportation District EcoPass contracts for the first year and 25% off for the second year. For companies with 1-10 employees, the reimbursement is $60 per employee the first year and $30 reimbursement the second year. | Ongoing | Boulder Chamber Transportation Connections info@bouldertc.org |
Residents in Regional Transportation District | Vanpool | Way to Go provides a subsidy for vanpoolers whose commute trips begin or end within the Regional Transportation District's boundaries. The subsidy amount varies depending on how much of the commute trip is within the boundaries. Vanpoolers pay a flat per-month fee based on the total miles the van travels each month, the number of passengers and the type of vehicle. In addition to the flat fee, vanpoolers pay for fuel cost, which can vary each month. | Ongoing | Way to Go WayToGo@drcog.org |
Alternative Transportation Option Tax Credit | All non-solo driving modes | Leverage Colorado's Alternative Transportation Options Tax Credit to receive up to $125,000 or $1,000 per employee when investing in transportation benefits such as transit passes, parking cash out, Vanpool administration and more. | 2023-2027 | Way to Go WayToGo@drcog.org |