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Public hearing: 2024 Nondiscrimination program update

Jul 17 2024, 6:30pm

Denver Regional Council of Governments
1001 17th St., Suite 700
Denver, CO 80202
United States

Public hearing

The Title VI Implementation Plan, Limited English Proficiency Plan and Americans with Disabilities Act Program Access Plan are prepared every three years to document the ongoing Title VI-related activities pursued by DRCOG over the previous period. Additionally, DRCOG staff have developed the agency’s first Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Plan covering the agency’s 5310 Program this year.

Explore the plans, learn how to provide comments and submit feedback on your own time by visiting DRCOG’s virtual open house.

You may submit written comments before 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 16 by emailing public engagement planner Kellsie Forfar-Jones at kforfar-jones@drcog.org or mailing comments to DRCOG Chair, 1001 17th Street, Suite 700, Denver, CO  80202. There will also be a hybrid public hearing in front of the DRCOG Board at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 17.

All comments received will be provided to DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee, Regional Transportation Committee and the Board of Directors for their consideration prior to plan adoption.