DRCOG releases 2023 Annual Report on Roadway Traffic Congestion

Photo courtesy of CDOT.
As part of the federally mandated congestion management process, Denver Regional Council of Governments staff produced the 2023 Annual Report on Roadway Traffic Congestion in the Denver Region.
Report highlights include:
- Total vehicle miles traveled rebounded to pre-pandemic levels in 2023, although the increased prevalence of telework continues to affect travel behavior.
- Transit ridership has steadily risen since bottoming out in early 2020, although it remains will below 2019 benchmarks.
- Shared bike and e-scooter usage has more than tripled between 2019 and 2023.
- Total vehicle mile traveled is expected to increase by 42% by 2050.
- A third of lane miles by 2050 will be congested for three hours or more, to the point where traffic at 2 p.m. will resemble evening rush hour congestion.
DRCOG and its partners are addressing these challenges in various ways, including transportation demand management through the Way to Go program and prioritizing projects to allow people to adapt to and avoid congestion.
DRCOG collaborates with partners with local governments, the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Regional Transportation District in completing projects to mitigate the effects of congestion.
Select congestion management projects are:
- Interstate 25 and Dry Creek Road Operational Improvements
- 120th Avenue Operational Improvements.
- Wadsworth Operational Improvements from Vassar to Woodard.
- Havana Street Transit Improvements from Montview to Darthmouth.
Browse the 2023 Annual Report on Roadway Traffic Congestion in the Denver Region for a list of congestion management projects.