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Board Work Session

Mar 5 2025, 4pm

Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG)
Virtual Meeting Only
no in-person option to attend
Denver, CO 80202
United States

Virtual meeting
Board of Directors

The Wednesday, March 5, 2025, Board work session begins at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom. There will be no in-person option to attend. 

To attend the meeting virtually, please use the Zoom link.

If you wish to participate only by phone, you can do so by dialing 1-719-359-4580. When prompted, please enter the meeting ID 88410009391#. Use *9 to raise your hand and *6 to unmute yourself by phone.

Members of the public are welcome to provide public comment virtually. To provide public comment via email, please send all comments to mstevens@drcog.org.

Persons in need of auxiliary aids or services, such as interpretation services or assisted listening devices, are asked to contact the meeting organizer, Melinda Stevens at mstevens@drcog.org at least 72 (three business days) hours in advance of the meeting.