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Community-Based Transportation Planning

A street with a bike lane and a small commercial district in the background.

Denver Regional Council of Governments staff developed the Community-Based Transportation Planning program to identify and address mobility challenges for historically underserved communities.

Through the program, staff and partners improve mobility options for communities facing transportation inequities, barriers and challenges.

DRCOG staff work in partnership with local governments, community-based organizations and stakeholders to create community-based transportation plans.

The plans identify specific transportation needs among historically underserved and marginalized communities, develop community-informed solutions and determine how to fund and implement recommendations. DRCOG staff work with community-based organizations, local and county governments and community members throughout plan development.

Community organization involvement

The program centers on the perspectives of community members at the start and throughout the development of the plans. DRCOG staff partners with community organizations to help form the plan, set goals, support engagement and review recommendations. Participating organizations are not required to work exclusively on transportation issues and a variety of organizations serve or represent the community. Examples include direct service organizations, faith-based organizations, health organizations, local schools or school districts and community groups.

Community partner expectations

DRCOG funds, manages the project and consultant procurement, and leads community engagement efforts for communities selected to participate in the program. Representatives from local governments, at minimum, serve on a steering committee, provide background on existing conditions and past planning efforts, and support community engagement.

2023-2024 program and nomination process

DRCOG staff is currently working on community-based plans with the City of Edgewater and the City of Westminster. Staff will open nominations during the next Transportation Improvement Program cycle.