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Community Mobility Planning and Implementation set-aside

A commuter train at a train station with one person on the platform riding a bike and five other people waiting.

Photo courtesy of RTD.

The Community Mobility Planning and Implementation set-aside supports small-area planning and small infrastructure projects that contribute to the implementation of key outcomes within Metro Vision and the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan. The current program goals are to:

  • Support diverse, livable communities.
  • Support the development of connected urban centers and multimodal corridors.
  • Support a transportation system that is well-connected and serves all modes of travel.
  • Support healthy and active choices.
  • Expand access to opportunities for residents of all ages, incomes and abilities.
  • Supports a transportation system that is safe, reliable and well-maintained.


The 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program Policy established $4.8 million in federal funds for the Community Mobility Planning and Implementation set-aside over the four years. 


For the second two-year period (fiscal years 2022 and 2023) the Community Mobility Planning and Implementation set-aside contains:

  • $1 million for small area planning and/or transportation studies.
  • $1.4 million for small infrastructure projects.


In addition to this commitment, $292,000 in small infrastructure funds and $235,000 in planning funds from the previous call were rolled into this cycle, bringing the total available for small infrastructure projects to $1,692,000, and $1,235,000 for planning projects.