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Transportation Demand Management Services set-aside

 group of people waiting to board a bus that has two bikes in a bike rack on the front.

Photo courtesy of RTD.

The Transportation Demand Management Services set-aside was developed to support marketing, outreach and research projects that reduce driving alone and ultimately reduce traffic congestion and improve regional air quality. The set-aside funds projects and programs that:

  • Reduce single-occupant vehicle travel.
  • Reduce traffic congestion.
  • Improve air quality.
  • Pilot new approaches to transportation demand management.
  • Improve awareness of and access to mobility options for people of all ages, incomes and abilities.

The 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program policy establishes $2 million in federal funds for Transportation Demand Management non-infrastructure projects over the four-year period. The 2024-2025 call for projects is approximately $1 million.  The set-aside policy can be located on the main set-asides webpage.

For additional information about the Transportation Demand Management Services set-aside, contact Way to Go manager Nisha Mokshagundam at nmokshagundam@drcog.org.