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Corridor & subarea planning

Cars and trucks driving through and waiting at a stoplight at a large intersection.


Corridor planning program

DRCOG staff formed the corridor planning program to advance planning for projects and priorities outlined in the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan with the goal of project implementation. As part of the program, DRCOG will fund and lead planning studies to advance infrastructure investment priorities along regional arterial corridors identified in the plan.

Pilot corridor planning program

DRCOG staff launched the corridor program as a pilot in fiscal year 2022-2023. Alameda Avenue and South Boulder Road were selected as the program's first two corridors.


2024–2027 Transportation Improvement Program Corridor Planning Program set-aside

Funding for the corridor planning program is included in a new set-aside budget in the 2024–2027 Transportation Improvement Program. An estimated $3 million will be available for the full four-year set-aside program with $1.5 million expected to be spent during each two-year cycle.  The set-aside policy can be located on the main set-asides webpage.  

Regional corridor studies web map

DRCOG staff developed a web map to track ongoing planning efforts for the 2040 Regional Roadway System for the Transportation Improvement Program. Regional partners including local and county jurisdictions, the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Regional Transportation District will lead the studies. Regional partners, local jurisdictions, staff and the public can use the web map to find information about planning work is underway throughout the region.

The regional corridor planning web map shows the range of planning studies underway across the region, including bike and pedestrian studies, transit studies, corridor studies and environmental studies. The web map primarily includes corridor studies on the Regional Roadway System – transit service, arterial roads, state highways and the Interstate Highway system. It also includes information related to each study’s status, transportation improvement program funding status and sources of additional information.

For more information or to suggest map updates, contact Nora Kern, subarea and project planning program manager, at 303-480-5622 or nkern@drcog.org.