What are livable centers?
Livable centers are diverse types of central locations for different communities. They may often be called urban centers, employment centers, activity centers, multimodal centers, historic town centers, station areas, neighborhood centers, transit centers, activity centers, or centers and nodes. Livable centers does not refer to a formal designation in Metro Vision.
Program overview
The Livable Centers Small-area Planning program is DRCOG-led technical assistance funded through the fiscal years 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program. Small-area planning projects will identify ways to enhance and increase livability in connected multimodal centers. This program can fund a wide range of small-area plans, analyses or studies addressing land use, housing or transportation in a center or node on the region’s multimodal transportation system. The goals of this program are derived from Metro Vision to:
- Increase housing and employment in connected centers.
- Support the investment in multimodal enhancements and transit access along corridors connecting centers.
- Promote investment and reinvestment in existing communities.
- Increase opportunities for diverse housing accessible by multimodal transportation.
- Improve access to and from the region’s developed and emerging housing and employment centers.
- Improve multimodal access to employment, commerce, educational, cultural and recreational opportunities for residents of all ages, incomes and abilities.
Program highlights
- Total funding: $2.5 million is identified as a set-aside in the 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program.
- Current cycle: $1.25 million was available for the 2024-2025 application cycle, which was open from August 14 to October 16, 2024.
- Fully funded: Project sponsors are not required to provide local match. Projects will be fully funded using federal funding and state toll credits, thanks to a partnership with the Colorado Department of Transportation.
- Small-area planning projects: DRCOG will procure consultant services for planning and analysis.
- Project management: DRCOG staff will manage procurement, serve as project manager and handle intergovernmental agreements with the Colorado Department of Transportation.
- Collaboration and partnership: Project sponsors and DRCOG staff will work together in close partnership to support community needs and goals.
Current projects
These projects were identified through a Letter of Interest process. Project selection was approved by the DRCOG Board of Directors at their December 2024 meeting after review and recommended approval from the Transportation Advisory Committee and Regional Transportation Committee.
- Arapahoe County- The Florida Corridor Multimodal Improvements project will focus on enhancing transportation options along Florida Avenue between Quebec Street in Denver and Potomac Street in Aurora. The study will improve pedestrian and bicycle safety, connectivity, and access to key destinations, including transit hubs, parks, and commercial areas, while addressing cross-jurisdictional challenges. This project will be closely coordinated with the Florida Corridor Micromobility Hubs project funded through the Innovative Mobility Set-Aside, which will identify potential micromobility hub locations along the Florida Corridor and Four Square Mile area.
- Boulder County- The Mobility Needs Assessment Framework for the Boulder County Housing Authority (BCHA) will develop a toolkit for evaluating multimodal transportation improvements to enhance connectivity and access to key destinations for residents of BCHA properties. The project will pilot the framework at BCHA properties to address current and future mobility needs.
- City of Arvada- The Livable Centers in Transit Oriented Communities project will conduct a land use, housing type diversity, and needs assessment in Arvada's transit areas to enhance housing options and connectivity. The study will inform future planning strategies for diverse and affordable housing in key transit corridors and urban centers.
- City of Aurora- The Fitzsimons Innovative Transportation Solutions Study will assess current transportation conditions and explore strategies to enhance multimodal access to the Fitzsimons Urban Center, improving connectivity for residents, employees, and visitors while reducing traffic congestion. The study aims to develop coordinated transportation and parking solutions to support the area's ongoing growth and ensure efficient use of land and infrastructure.
- City of Centennial- The East Midtown Centennial Small Area Plan will provide a framework for the evolution of the East Midtown area, guiding its development into a vibrant, mixed-use district with housing, commercial spaces, and enhanced multimodal transportation options. The plan will address infrastructure needs, zoning updates, and connectivity to envision a cohesive, transit-oriented hub within the city.
- City of Edgewater- The Edgewater Livable Center project aims to enhance land use, housing, and transportation strategies to improve livability and multimodal connections. The study will focus on increasing housing opportunities, addressing affordability, and improving pedestrian, bicycle, and transit access.
- City of Sheridan- The City of Sheridan Housing and Transportation Strategies Study will develop policies and strategies to enhance housing opportunities and transportation access, aligning with state requirements. This project will focus on increasing housing around transit corridors, addressing barriers to development, and promoting sustainable growth through infill and redevelopment.
- Informational webinar: August 14, 2024.
- Letters of interest solicitation: August 14 - October 16, 2024.
- Project selection and approvals: November - December 2024.
- Consultant procurement: Spring 2025.
Additional resources
View the TIP Set-aside policies for more detail on eligible project types and eligible project locations. Information for this program begins on page 61.
For more information, contact Kaitlyn Service, Program Manager.