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Innovative mobility

An electric car plugged into a charging station at the top of a parking garage with the Denver city skyline in the background.

Photo courtesy of CDOT.

The Denver Regional Council of Governments staff engages with member governments and partner agencies through collaborative learning opportunities and planning activities to prepare the region for emerging mobility.

Innovative Mobility set-aside

DRCOG staff will lead an innovative mobility program starting in 2024 to focus on preparedness, feasibility, planning, demonstration and pilot projects. DRCOG staff will solicit letters of interest from interested partner agencies. By investing in collaborative efforts to further innovative mobility, the region will address challenges associated with topics such as, but not limited to, curbside management, emerging modes, shared mobility, mobility as a service, transportation electrification, connected and automated vehicles, mobility data and mobility hubs. 

The organization's fiscal years 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program set-aside program has budgeted $4 million to fund innovative mobility set-aside projects throughout the Denver region.


DRCOG staff anticipate requesting letters of interest in 2024. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.