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Human Service Transportation set-aside

Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310)

Section 5310 provides formula funding to states from the Federal Transit Administration to assist local agencies and nonprofits in meeting the transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities when the transportation service provided is unavailable, insufficient or inappropriate to meet these needs. DRCOG oversees the administration of these funds for the Denver-Aurora Urbanized Area

For further details:

Human Service Transportation set-aside

The 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program allocates $8 million over four years for human service transportation. The Human Services Transportation set-aside provides a dedicated funding source to improve mobility for vulnerable populations, including older adults, low-income individuals, veterans and individuals with disabilities. The set-aside page contains policy details on how the call for projects are conducted.

This set-aside complements Federal Transit Administration 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities and Older Americans Act and Older Coloradans Act funding by financing identified needs that are underfunded or underserved by those sources.

The set-aside policy can be located on the main set-asides webpage.  For additional information about the Human Service Transportation set-aside, contact Travis Noon at tnoon@drcog.org.