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Group Rides

Two people riding bikes with the title "Group Rides" over the image

Group Rides

Participate in group rides throughout the summer! Host your own, or join a ride led by Way to Go’s partners.

Group ride tips and etiquette

  • Communication is key – Point out hazards in the road, signal when you are stopping or turning, and call out “car back” or “car up” if a car is coming up behind or in front of the group.
  • Follow the rules of the road – Keep everyone safe by following local traffic laws for cyclists.
  • Be prepared – Bring a spare tube and tools needed in case you get a flat and a bike lock any time you leave your bike unattended. Cyclists are required by law to have front and rear lights before sunrise and after sunset.
  • Know the route – Way to Go will regroup at turns or after any steeper hills, but knowing the route is helpful in case you decide to ride back on your own.