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Metro Area County Commissioners

Aug 30 2024, 9:30am

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Virtual meeting
Board of Directors

The Friday, August 30, 2024, Metro Area County Commissioners meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. via Microsoft Teams. There will be no in-person option to attend. 

To attend the meeting virtually, please use the Microsoft Teams link.

The Meeting ID for this meeting is 271 586 454 48

The Passcode for this meeting is FdmCr5

If you wish to participate only by phone, you can do so by dialing 1-720-372-0161. When prompted, please enter the Phone Conference ID 222931273#. 

Persons in need of auxiliary aids or services, such as interpretation services or assisted listening devices, are asked to contact the meeting organizer, Melinda Stevens at mstevens@drcog.org at least 72 (three business days) hours in advance of the meeting.