2025 Board Retreat
Apr 11 2025, 4:30pm
Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG)
1001 17th Street
1st Floor, Aspen/Birch Conference Room
Denver, CO 80202
United States
Board Retreat
Board of Directors
The 2025 Board Retreat will take place on Friday, April 11, and Saturday, April 12, in downtown Denver.
The event will begin with a dinner and social gathering on Friday night and continue with a full-day workshop on Saturday at the Denver Regional Council of Governments offices. The retreat presents an opportunity for the Board to gather informally for in-depth conversations about the state of the region and topics that may be addressed in the following months.
Stay tuned for further details and a registration link.
Persons in need of auxiliary aids or services, such as interpretation services or assisted listening devices,
are asked to contact the meeting organizer, Melinda Stevens
at mstevens@drcog.org
at least 72 (three business days) hours in advance of the meeting.