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Go-Tober Challenge

A group of people gathered together under a text with their bicycles surrounding them. They stand in front of a vibrant, colorful mural and there is snow falling from the sky.

October is your month to bust a move!

Sign up for Go-Tober today! Employers from across the region are invited to sign up using the registration form. After joining the event, employers can spend the month of October encouraging employees to take and track eco-friendly trips for a chance to win prizes. The top employer in each of the five leaderboard categories will earn paid media recognition after the event ends in November.

Learn more about Go-Tober's success in 2022 and help Way to Go reduce single-occupant vehicle use!

Way to Go appreciates the 64 Denver-region employers that participated in the 2022 Go-Tober Company Challenge! Thanks to their support, commuters found eco-friendly alternatives to driving alone, covering nearly 150,000 miles and protecting our air from about 50 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

We're giving special recognition to the five organizations whose employees tracked the most telework days or trips by bike, foot, carpool or transit last October. Find out more about the 2022 Go-Tober Company Challenge champs:

Find out how 596 Go-Tober participants helped improve air quality in October 2022.

Learn how your organization can foster a work culture that provides employees with flexible commuting options. Call Way to Go at 303-458-7665 or email us at waytogo@drcog.org to set up your free consultation.