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Fiscal Year 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program Projects
Denver Regional Council of Governments

Projects in order by Project Number

February 2025 Modifications

Region 1 Bridge Off-System Pool

Amendment Reason: Remove one pool project and $1,241,000 in prior funding. Total project cost decreases.

Pool Removed - Windermere St

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Bridge Off-System) $2,131,000 $0 $0 $0
State (Bridge Off-System) $0 $0 $0 $0
Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $2,131,000 $0 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$8,252,000 $2,131,000 $0 $10,383,000

Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
Dartmouth Ave@ S Platte River$1,392,000
Rio Grande St@ Slaughterhouse Gulch$406,000
112th Ave@ Fulton Ditch$500,000
Potomac St@ O'Brien Canal (partial replacement)$760,000
Chambers@ Sand Creek Bridge (Aurora)$214,000
Windermere St@ Highline Canal Bridge$1,241,000
Community Center Dr.Northglenn$524,000
West Dartmouth Ave.Englewood$229,000
Laredo St Bridge RehabAurora$1,779,000
Tower RoadAt 3rd Creek$720,000
88thAt Wolf Creek$1,410,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Bridge Off-System) $2,131,000 $0 $0 $0
State (Bridge Off-System) $0 $0 $0 $0
Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $2,131,000 $0 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$7,011,000 $2,131,000 $0 $9,142,000

Revised Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
Dartmouth Ave@ S Platte River$1,392,000
Rio Grande St@ Slaughterhouse Gulch$406,000
112th Ave@ Fulton Ditch$500,000
Potomac St@ O'Brien Canal (partial replacement)$760,000
Chambers@ Sand Creek Bridge (Aurora)$214,000
Community Center Dr.Northglenn$524,000
West Dartmouth Ave.Englewood$229,000
Laredo St Bridge RehabAurora$1,779,000
Tower RoadAt 3rd Creek$720,000
88thAt Wolf Creek$1,410,000

Region 4 Bridge Off-System Pool

Amendment Reason: Adjust one pool project and add $1,923,000 in federal Bridge Off-System funds and local match. Total project cost increases.

Bridge Off-System (Federal) Changed from $4,408,000 to $6,331,000
Bridge Off-System (Local) Changed from $2,133,000 to $2,614,000
Pool Added - WCR4 - Lochbuie (Fiscal Year 2024/2025)
Pool Removed - WCR4 - Lochbuie (Fiscal Year 2024)

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Bridge Off-System) $4,408,000 $0 $0 $0
State (Bridge Off-System) $0 $0 $0 $0
Local $2,133,000 $0 $0 $0
Total $6,541,000 $0 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$3,049,000 $6,541,000 $0 $9,590,000

Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
WCR34 - Mead (Fiscal Year 2022/2024)$1,746,000
120th St over Coal Creek (FY23)$513,000
WCR20 (FY23)$730,000
WCR3 north of WCR12 (FY23)$1,036,000
Rock Creek Pkwy Rehab (Fiscal Year 2024)$1,077,000
WCR26 - Firestone (Fiscal Year 2024)$1,438,000
WCR4 - Lochbuie (Fiscal Year 2024)$308,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Bridge Off-System) $4,408,000 $1,923,000 $0 $0
State (Bridge Off-System) $0 $0 $0 $0
Local $2,133,000 $481,000 $0 $0
Total $6,541,000 $2,404,000 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$3,049,000 $8,945,000 $0 $11,994,000

Revised Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
WCR34 - Mead (Fiscal Year 2022/2024)$1,746,000
120th St over Coal Creek (FY23)$513,000
WCR20 (FY23)$730,000
WCR3 north of WCR12 (FY23)$1,036,000
Rock Creek Pkwy Rehab (Fiscal Year 2024)$1,077,000
WCR26 - Firestone (Fiscal Year 2024)$1,438,000
WCR4 - Lochbuie (Fiscal Year 2024/2025)$2,231,000

Mineral/Santa Fe Operational Improvements

Amendment Reason: Correct error in funding amount by adding $1,000,000 in federal Surface Transportation Block Grant funds. Total project cost increases.

Surface Transportation Block Grant (Federal) Changed from $5,890,000 to $6,890,000

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Congestion Mitigation / Air Quality) $0 $0 $0 $0
Federal (Surface Transportation Block Grant) $1,167,000 $4,723,000 $0 $0
Local $3,033,000 $6,067,000 $0 $0
Total $4,200,000 $10,790,000 $0 $0
Project Phase to Initiate Construction Construction None None

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$11,441,000 $14,990,000 $0 $26,431,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Congestion Mitigation / Air Quality) $0 $0 $0 $0
Federal (Surface Transportation Block Grant) $1,167,000 $5,723,000 $0 $0
Local $3,033,000 $6,067,000 $0 $0
Total $4,200,000 $11,790,000 $0 $0
Project Phase to Initiate Construction Construction None None

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$11,441,000 $15,990,000 $0 $27,431,000

Region 1 Mobility Hub Pool

Amendment Reason: Adjust one pool project, remove $2,100,000 in state Legislative-Transit funding transferred to Project 2022-032. Total project cost decreases.

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
State (Legislative-Transit) $0 $0 $0 $0
Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$19,170,000 $0 $0 $19,170,000

Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
Bustang Maintenance Facility$4,000,000
Castle Rock Mobility Hub$13,170,000
Lone Tree Mobility Hub$20,000 in Leg-T funding in TIP# 2022-032$0

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
State (Legislative-Transit) $0 $0 $0 $0
Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$17,070,000 $0 $0 $17,070,000

Revised Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
Bustang Maintenance Facility$4,000,000
Castle Rock Mobility Hub$11,070,000
Lone Tree Mobility Hub$14,600 in Leg-T funding in TIP# 2022-032$0

Lone Tree Mobility Hub at Sky Ridge Station

Amendment Reason: Add $2,100,000 in state Legislative-Transit funding transferred from Project 2020-100. Total project cost increases.

Legislative-Transit (State) Changed from $12,500,000 to $14,600,000

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Congestion Mitigation / Air Quality) $0 $4,661,000 $0 $0
State (House Bill 1466 - MMOF) $3,339,000 $0 $0 $0
State (Legislative-Transit) $2,000,000 $10,500,000 $0 $0
Local $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0
Total $7,339,000 $15,161,000 $0 $0
Project Phase to Initiate Design Construction None None

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$2,000,000 $22,500,000 $0 $24,500,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Congestion Mitigation / Air Quality) $0 $4,661,000 $0 $0
State (House Bill 1466 - MMOF) $3,339,000 $0 $0 $0
State (Legislative-Transit) $2,000,000 $12,600,000 $0 $0
Local $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0
Total $7,339,000 $17,261,000 $0 $0
Project Phase to Initiate Design Construction None None

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$2,000,000 $24,600,000 $0 $26,600,000

I25 Segment 5: CO66 to WCR38

Amendment Reason: Add $50,000 local match funding. Total project cost increases.

Congressional Allocation (Local) Changed from $1,208,000 to $1,258,000

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Congressional Allocation) $0 $1,000,000 $0 $0
Federal (TIFIA) $185,282,000 $0 $0 $0
State (Legislative) $19,200,000 $0 $0 $0
Local $0 $1,208,000 $0 $0
Total $204,482,000 $2,208,000 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$4,000,000 $206,690,000 $0 $210,690,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Congressional Allocation) $0 $1,000,000 $0 $0
Federal (TIFIA) $185,282,000 $0 $0 $0
State (Legislative) $19,200,000 $0 $0 $0
Local $0 $1,258,000 $0 $0
Total $204,482,000 $2,258,000 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$4,000,000 $206,740,000 $0 $210,740,000