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Fiscal Year 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program Projects
Denver Regional Council of Governments

Projects in order by Project Number

December 2024 Modifications

Region 4 Surface Treatment Pool

Amendment Reason: Adjust one pool project and add $239,000 in state Cost Escalation Funds. Total project cost increases.

Cost Escalation Fund (State) Changed from $1,761,000 to $2,000,000

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
State (Cost Escalation Fund) $0 $1,761,000 $0 $0
State (Surface Treatment) $9,500,000 $11,530,000 $7,000,000 $2,000,000
Local $0 $481,000 $0 $0
Total $9,500,000 $13,772,000 $7,000,000 $2,000,000

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$15,400,000 $32,272,000 $0 $47,672,000

Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
36BLyons SouthProject also has $490 in FASTER funds in TIP# 2008-077$2,225,000
SH-119Nederland West to Roundabout$6,025,000
CO728th to US287Project also has $2,000,000 in 2018-003$9,320,000
LongmontDiamond Grind and Slabs$508,000
CO157A: Pearl NorthDiamond Grind and Slabs$3,462,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
State (Cost Escalation Fund) $0 $2,000,000 $0 $0
State (Surface Treatment) $9,500,000 $11,530,000 $7,000,000 $2,000,000
Local $0 $481,000 $0 $0
Total $9,500,000 $14,011,000 $7,000,000 $2,000,000

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$15,400,000 $32,511,000 $0 $47,911,000

Revised Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
36BLyons SouthProject also has $490 in FASTER funds in TIP# 2008-077$2,225,000
SH-119Nederland West to Roundabout$6,025,000
CO728th to US287Project also has $2,000,000 in 2018-003$9,559,000
LongmontDiamond Grind and Slabs$508,000
CO157A: Pearl NorthDiamond Grind and Slabs$3,462,000

Region 4 Bridge On-System Pool

Amendment Reason: Adjust one pool project. Total project cost remains the same.

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Bridge On-System) $2,484,000 $2,484,000 $0 $0
State (Bridge On-System) $516,000 $516,000 $0 $0
Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$8,350,000 $6,000,000 $0 $14,350,000

Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
I-25 Preventative Maintenance (FY20)$200,000
Boulder Polyester Overlay$2,705,000
Critical Culvert Construction (FY 22)Pkg D - SH-170$222,000
CO7 and Boulder Creek$350,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Bridge On-System) $2,484,000 $2,484,000 $0 $0
State (Bridge On-System) $516,000 $516,000 $0 $0
Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$8,350,000 $6,000,000 $0 $14,350,000

Revised Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
I-25 Preventative Maintenance (FY20)$200,000
Boulder Polyester Overlay$2,705,000
Critical Culvert Construction (FY 22)Pkg D - SH-170$222,000
CO7 and Boulder Creek$522,000

CDOT FASTER Transit Pool

Amendment Reason: Add three pool projects and $670,000 in state FASTER funding. Total project funding increases.

Faster Transit (State) Changed from $16,699,000 to $17,369,000
Faster Transit (Local) Changed from $3,346,000 to $3,513,000
Pool Added - RTD
Pool Added - Boulder
Pool Added - Via Mobility

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
State (Faster Transit) $7,483,000 $3,216,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000
Local $1,042,000 $804,000 $750,000 $750,000
Total $8,525,000 $4,020,000 $3,750,000 $3,750,000

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$6,924,000 $20,045,000 $0 $26,969,000

Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
RTDEast Colfax/15L Transit Enhancements Project $770,000
RTDMineral PnR Bridge Rehab (FY17)$57,000
RTDThornton PnR Passenger Amenities (FY17)$308,000
RTDUS-36 and Sheridan PnR (FY18)$1,500,000
RTDBus Replacements (FY20)$2,000,000
BoulderVehicle Replacement (FY21)$323,000
VIABus Cameras (FY21)$151,000
DRCOGHST/FASTER Set-Aside (See TIP-ID 2020-079)$0
VIAFacility Security Improvements (FY23)$120,000
RTDEast Metro Roof Replacement (FY23)$3,171,000
RTDDistrict Shops Hoist Replacement (FY23)$2,929,000
VIA2 Replacement Vans (FY23)$166,000
Boulder3 Replacement Buses (FY23)$938,000
VIAEquipment (FY23)$278,000
VIAConstruction (FY23)$96,000
VIAMaintenance Equipment (FY24)$71,000
VIAFacility Design (FY24)$96,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
State (Faster Transit) $7,483,000 $3,886,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000
Local $1,042,000 $971,000 $750,000 $750,000
Total $8,525,000 $4,857,000 $3,750,000 $3,750,000

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$6,924,000 $20,882,000 $0 $27,806,000

Revised Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
RTDEast Colfax/15L Transit Enhancements Project $770,000
RTDMineral PnR Bridge Rehab (FY17)$57,000
RTDThornton PnR Passenger Amenities (FY17)$308,000
RTDUS-36 and Sheridan PnR (FY18)$1,500,000
RTDBus Replacements (FY20)$2,000,000
BoulderVehicle Replacement (FY21)$323,000
VIABus Cameras (FY21)$151,000
DRCOGHST/FASTER Set-Aside (See TIP-ID 2020-079)$0
VIAFacility Security Improvements (FY23)$120,000
RTDEast Metro Roof Replacement (FY23)$3,171,000
RTDDistrict Shops Hoist Replacement (FY23)$2,929,000
VIA2 Replacement Vans (FY23)$166,000
Boulder3 Replacement Buses (FY23)$938,000
VIAEquipment (FY23)$278,000
VIAConstruction (FY23)$96,000
VIAMaintenance Equipment (FY24)$71,000
VIAFacility Design (FY24)$96,000
Via MobilitySoftware Upgrades (Fiscal Year 2025)$50,000
BoulderVehicle (Fiscal Year 2025)$620,000
RTDVehicle (Fiscal Year 2025)$3,000,000

I25/CO119 Transit Facility Improvements

Amendment Reason: Add $140,000 in state Legislative funding. Total project cost increases.

Legislative (State) Changed from $0 to $140,000

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (MMOF - ARPA - CDOT) $500,000 $0 $0 $0
State (Legislative) $0 $0 $0 $0
Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $500,000 $0 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$8,351,000 $500,000 $0 $8,851,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (MMOF - ARPA - CDOT) $500,000 $0 $0 $0
State (Legislative) $0 $140,000 $0 $0
Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $500,000 $140,000 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$8,351,000 $640,000 $0 $8,991,000

Transit Capital Program (State SB 228)

Amendment Reason: Add three new pool projects and $635,000 in state Legislative-Transit funding. Total project cost increases.

Legislative-Transit (State) Changed from $947,000 to $1,582,000
Legislative-Transit (Local) Changed from $428,000 to $778,000
Pool Added - Via Mobility
Pool Added - Via Mobility
Pool Added - Easterseals Colorado
Pool Removed - Via
Pool Removed - Via

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
State (Legislative-Transit) $392,000 $555,000 $0 $0
Local $98,000 $330,000 $0 $0
Total $490,000 $885,000 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$458,000 $1,375,000 $0 $1,833,000

Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
Laradon Hall1 Vehicle Purchase (FY24)$392,000
ViaOperating (Fiscal Year 2025)$255,000
ViaMobility Management (Fiscal Year 2025)$300,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
State (Legislative-Transit) $392,000 $1,190,000 $0 $0
Local $98,000 $680,000 $0 $0
Total $490,000 $1,870,000 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$458,000 $2,360,000 $0 $2,818,000

Revised Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
Laradon Hall1 Vehicle Purchase (FY24)$392,000
Via MobilityOperating (Fiscal Year 2025)$510,000
Via MobilityMobility Management (Fiscal Year 2025)$600,000
Easterseals ColoradoVehicle (Fiscal Year 2025)$80,000

I270 Corridor Improvements: I70 to I25

Amendment Reason: Add $4,800,000 in federal RAISE funds. Total project cost increases.

Added Federal Funding RAISE $4,800,000

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Surface Transportation Block Grant) $0 $0 $0 $0
State (FASTER Br. Enterprise) $6,250,000 $400,000 $0 $0
State (Legislative) $74,500,000 $10,000,000 $70,000,000 $0
Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $80,750,000 $10,400,000 $70,000,000 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$28,750,000 $161,150,000 $0 $189,900,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (RAISE) $0 $4,800,000 $0 $0
Federal (Surface Transportation Block Grant) $0 $0 $0 $0
State (FASTER Br. Enterprise) $6,250,000 $400,000 $0 $0
State (Legislative) $74,500,000 $10,000,000 $70,000,000 $0
Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $80,750,000 $15,200,000 $70,000,000 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$28,750,000 $165,950,000 $0 $194,700,000

CO7 Transit Service: Boulder to Brighton

Amendment Reason: Switch state Legislative-Transit and Regional Priority Project funding for state-allocated federal Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality funds. Total project cost remains the same.

Added Federal Funding Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality - CDOT $750,000
Removed State Funding Legislative-Transit $375,000
Removed State Funding Regional Priority Projects $375,000

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Congestion Mitigation / Air Quality) $0 $0 $2,561,000 $4,303,000
State (Legislative-Transit) $0 $0 $375,000 $0
State (Regional Priority Projects) $0 $0 $0 $375,000
Local $0 $0 $808,000 $792,000
Local (RTD Funds Only) $0 $0 $50,000 $0
Total $0 $0 $3,794,000 $5,470,000
Project Phase to Initiate None None Bus Service - Year 1 Bus Service - Year 2

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$0 $9,264,000 $0 $9,264,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
Federal (Congestion Mitigation / Air Quality) $0 $0 $2,561,000 $4,303,000
Federal (Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality - CDOT) $0 $0 $375,000 $375,000
Local $0 $0 $586,000 $1,014,000
Local (RTD Funds Only) $0 $0 $50,000 $0
Total $0 $0 $3,572,000 $5,692,000
Project Phase to Initiate None None Bus Service - Year 1 Bus Service - Year 2

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$0 $9,264,000 $0 $9,264,000

Clean Transit Enterprise Pool

Amendment Reason: Add four new pool projects and $2,485,000 in state Clean Transportation Enterprise funds. Total project cost increases.

Clean Transit Enterprise (State) Changed from $158,000 to $2,643,000
Clean Transit Enterprise (Local) Changed from $18,000 to $1,518,000
Pool Added - Laradon Hall
Pool Added - Via Mobility
Pool Added - Developmental Disabilities Resource Center
Pool Added - Boulder

Existing Project

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
State (Clean Transit Enterprise) $158,000 $0 $0 $0
Local $18,000 $0 $0 $0
Total $176,000 $0 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$0 $176,000 $0 $176,000

Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
Laradon HallPlanning (Fiscal Year 2024)$90,000
Via MobilityPlanning (FIscal Year 2024)$68,000

Revised Funding Table

Four Year Funding by Funding Types
Funding TypeFederal Fiscal Year 2024Federal Fiscal Year 2025Federal Fiscal Year 2026Federal Fiscal Year 2027
State (Clean Transit Enterprise) $158,000 $2,485,000 $0 $0
Local $18,000 $1,500,000 $0 $0
Total $176,000 $3,985,000 $0 $0

Overall Funding
Prior FundingFour Year PeriodFuture FundingTotal Funding
$0 $4,161,000 $0 $4,161,000

Revised Pool Project Listing

This pool includes the following current projects. All pool project funding depicts federal and/or state funding only.

Agency/Project NameDescriptionNotesCost
Laradon HallPlanning (Fiscal Year 2024)$90,000
Via MobilityPlanning (FIscal Year 2024)$68,000
Via MobilityFacility (Fiscal Year 2025)$1,500,000
Laradon HallVehicles (Fiscal Year 2025)$238,000
Developmental Disabilities Resource CenterVehicles (Fiscal Year 2025)$150,000
BoulderVehicles (Fiscal Year 2025)$596,000