TIP Call for Projects - Data Resources

2022-2025 TIP Supplemental Wait List Call for Projects - CLOSED

All links and information below can be used to help you to fill out your applications.  In addition to the information below, we've also included links to the Regional and appropriate Subregional Share applications.  The current TIP waiting lists can be found here and the Call for Projects announcement is located here

Datasets may not be available in all cases, so please supplement with local data, observations, and estimates when warranted.  DRCOG hosts data on its Regional Data Catalog that is maintained and compiled from various sources.  DRCOG offers its data in several formats, including shapefile, GeoJSON, WMS, and KML.  Links to other partners with relevant data are provided for your convenience.

This webpage is organized by sections according to the TIP application.


Regional Share

Subregional Share (note: some subregions were ineligible to submit for this call)

Adams County Subregion

Jefferson County Subregion

SW Weld County Subregion


General Information 

Part 2 - Evaluation Criteria, Questions and Scoring

A. Regional/Subregional Significance

Cross and/or benefit multiple municipalities

Cross and/or benefit another subregion

Connectivity to different travel modes

B. Metro Vision TIP Focus Areas

1. Improve mobility infrastructure and services for vulnerable populations (including improved transportation access to health services)

2. Increase reliability of existing multimodal transportation network

3. Improve transportation safety and security

C. Transportation-Focused Metro Vision Objectives

1. Contain urban development in locations designated for urban growth and services

2. Increase housing and employment in urban center

3. Improve or expand the region’s multimodal transportation system, services, and connections

4. Improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

5. Connect people to natural resource or recreational areas

6. Increase access to amenities that support healthy, active choices

7. Improve access to opportunity

8. Improve the region’s competitive position

Part 3 – Project Data

A. Transit use

B. Bicycle use

C. Pedestrian use

D. Vulnerable populations

E. Travel delay

DRCOG staff may be able to use the Regional Travel Model to develop estimates for certain types of large-scale projects.  Please contact Steve Cook for assistance.

F. Traffic crash reduction

​H. Bridge Improvements

J. Disbenefits